Minutes 2008
General Assembly Minutes of January 5, 2008
Opening of the Assembly : 19h45, 103 members attending.
- Item 1: Election of scrutators
Raphael Berney and Jean-Louis Martin are suggested - Item 2: Reading of the preceding Report The Report being on the Web site, it is not read at the Assembly.
- Item 3: President's report
Barbara Meroni welcomes everybody and expresses her best wishes for a prosperous and happy new year. She hopes that the first year for the new official teachers M. Söderkvist, J.-C. Hamel, S. Creuzet and Y. Galley has been a successful one. She thanks all those who have organized Jodo seminars across Europe. She also welcomes to the new dojo opened by Daniel Lüscher. And last but not least, she welcomes Vincente Borondo in our Federation and in the teaching staff. - Item 4: Vice-President's Report
Helga Wurth wishes a happy new year to everybody and points out two things. First of all, she would like to mention that she is now responsible for the technical aspect of our website. Before placing the texts on the website she asks everybody to send them first either to PK or Matthias Wenderoth. If it is only a short information she will be able to handle it by herself. PK thanks also Antoine Bauza for the work done so far. PK should be informed about everything that is to be put on the website as he is officially responsible for it. Helga also asks for pictures which she should put on the website to be in the correct format (should not exceed 500 pixels) and that the number of pictures should not be too important. Helga's second concern is about the teachers. Some of the teachers who were asked to participate at a seminar give their answer too late. - Item 5: Treasurer's Report
Yves Galley announces that this year was financially very sound. The Kagamibiraki and the summer camp of Prague have left a substantial benefit (Yves Galley congratulates Patrick Orth and his team for the organization). Furthermore, licences and annual stamps have been sold quite well. Yves Galley declares that the Federation advances money for the pre-reservation of the summer camp in Spain. He is sure that this money is well placed. - Item 6: Controllers' report
Lorenzo Trainelli and Tristan Corbière (replaces Will Bruggink who is absent) ask the Assembly to accept the account.
Items 1 to 6 are accepted unanimously by the Assembly.
- Item 7: Technical Commission's Report
Technical Board's report PK regrets that during 2007 Vincent Zahnd has left the EJF and abandoned Jodo (hopefully only provisionally), but he is also pleased that the EJF has won 4 new teachers. In addition, and with the consent of the Gomokuroku, Vincente Borondo who has spent several years in Japan and has followed Nishioka Sensei's teaching is appointed Shoden of the EJF as of beginning 2008. PK is of the opinion that there is little technical difference between what he has learned and what is practiced in our Federation, and PK hopes that there will be a harmonization with the EJF and that the EJF benefits from the fresh information coming from Japan and conveyed to us by Vincente.
Pk asks Vincente for a few words about the summer camp. Vincente tells us that he has chosen a spot outside of Madrid in the mountains to benefit from fresh air. As for accommodation, there will be 3 possibilities: two-bed rooms, dormitory for eight persons or tents suggested by the landlord. Prices are between 40 and 60 euros per day everything included.
As for next year (2009), PK announces that the summer camp should take place in July. Thanks to Adrian Knight the Japanese have agreed. Relnick seems to be reluctant a little bit, for he doesn't like the heat. The summer camp will last one week to ten days and PK promises to publish the information as fast as possible. The organizing country for 2010's summer camp has already been chosen: Hungary. - Item 8: Election of the Committee
As Valentine Mouther has stopped Jodo she also wishes to give up her function as secretary. Yves Galley says that he would assume this responsibility which would allow him having a global view of the EJF's administration.
The General Assembly confirms his nomination as secretary and treasurer.
Helga Wurth and Barbara Meroni are reelected in their respective positions. - Item 9: Miscellaneous
Nihioka Sensei has produced a DVD about Omote which will be available in a few months. The collected money will benefit Nishioka Sensei's dojo.
Finally, PK asks the audience to leave the room by country so that everybody can see who comes from where.
Closure at 20h40
Fédération Européenne de Jodo / European Jodo Federation