2023 seminar will be an IJF International Gasshuku!
The EJF is happy to announce that, since the borders are slightly reopening, the 2023 seminar in Germany will be an IJF International Gasshuku!
We are looking forward to train again with our worldwide fellow jôdôka, after a 5 years gap since Brisbane 2018 IJF Gasshuku.
The Gasshuku details will be made available in the calendar page, as soon as they arrive from the German organization team.
New country leaders
In agreement with EFJ teachers, three countries will now be supervised by a new leader:
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José Luis Latasa | Jan Gerrit Post | Josi Katona |
José Luis Latasa is, from now on, leader of the Spain/Portugal group
Jan Gerrit Post becomes leader of the Netherlands group
Josi Katona, recently promoted Shômokuroku, is now leader of the Hungary group
The teachers and the Executive Board send all their wishes of success to these new leaders.
Gasshuku 2022 - Sainte-Croix/Les Rasses
The European gasshuku in Ste-Croix/Les Rasses has just come to an end.
The photos are available thanks to the following link, using the password swiss2022 (BEWARE the upper and lower case, which is important): https://www.komey.ch/portfolio/jodo-st-croix/
Sayonara, Vicente
As many of you know it already, another Menkyô Kaiden left us at the beginning of this week...After Alain Robert, it is Vicente Borondo who went back to the Kami...
After a long time in Japan where he was training at Nishioka Sensei's Dôjô, Vicente came back to Spain and devoted himself to spreading Jô SMR in his country and in Portugal. I encouraged him to join the EJF then Seiryukai. He kindly accepted my proposal and was present in most of the international gasshuku.
When I went back to Japan in 2015, I wrote his Menkyô Kaiden with Watanabe Sensei who replaced Nishioka Sensei after his death. We both signed it together.
Vicente has greatly contributed to transmit Nishioka Sensei's version of SMR Jô, and we are very grateful to him for that.
Our sincere condolences to his wife and his daughter, as well to his family and to the Spanish and Portuguese groups. At the gasshuku that I gave at the end of April this year with Lorenzo Trainelli and Maria-Rosa Valluzzi, Fernando Gomez Pajares and I went to visit him at the hospital. It was a wonderful moment even with some humour.
Thanks in advance to José Luis Latasa, Fernando López and Pedro Gil as well as all the advanced practitioners in Spain and Portugal to continue to keep SMR Jô alive in that part of Europe...
You will stay in our heart forever, Vicente...
Kagamibiraki 2022
Group picture of the 65 European practitioners who could come to the Kagamibiraki 2022. The gasshuku was a real success, the atmosphere was very friendly and the training intense... We drank the traditional Saké Saturday evening to the health of all those who could not come for various reasons, as well as to those who left the EJF... This event was very positive and was very appreciated by all. A big thanks to Jean-Pierre Pahud and Claude Duverney for all their work. Let us not forget the theme of the gasshuku; "Make of each obstacle a spring-board".
It was a great honor for me to give Lorenzo Trainelli and Jean-Claude Hamel a Menkyo Kaiden of Shintô Musô Ryû Jô. I am trusting them from the bottom of my heart for continuing to spread SMR Jô, in Italy for Lorenzo, and in France for Jean-Claude and Gille Tache.
Kagamibiraki 2022
Mai-Gai Chô (wo) Okonau... Make of each obstacle a spring-board. In these difficult times, we must keep positive... keep our humour, our precious friendly ties and our passion for the practice of Shintô Musô Ryû Jô. Let us try not to forget all the richness that this art brought to us and let us prac- tise it during our daily life...
Registration (deadline 20.12.)
ERRATUM: registration confirmations will be sent to each participant as soon as it has been checked that there were enough places.
Dominique left us
We are sad to announce the death from cancer of our friend Budoka Dominique Fevre. A very regular practitioner in Jodo (3rd dan)-Iaido-Aikido, Dominique began practicing Jodo in 1997. Participating in many seminars, always in a good mood and with a lot of humor. Dominique, you will be missed and as you asked us: "Think of me and forget me to continue living in Joy".
The EJF joins his near relations in their sadness and is with them from the bottom of its heart.
Take care, the committee, Barbara, Nathalie, Raphaël, Jérôme, PK
Alain left us
It's with great sadness and deep sorrow that we have to announce the passing of Alain Robert.
Here are some reactions and memories:
This is a big shock.
The latest big event where we met was in 2018 for the Macon summergasshuku. Together we led this gasshuku. He did everything to make it comfortabel for me.
The early morning session started with Taichi at the side of the river. Beautiful to start the day with.
I will remember him as a good and warm friend, a super uchidachi for all the Ran ai demonstrations we have done together. Especially the one during the jamboree in Hawaii 1994. The first one in front of Nishioka sensei and all the other sensei. Our adrenaline levels went sky high.
An experience nobody can take from us.
Thank you Alain!
My condoleances to everybody. - FQ
It was a sad message to receive. Alain was a friend with great warmth, very skilled in his profession and martial arts included with personal integrity and seriousness. My thoughts at this moment go to his closest and students who lost such a unique and appreciated personality. My warmest condolences to all concerned. - MS
Oui bien triste nouvelle, je garderais toujours en souvenir sa grande et longue amitié, les très bons moments de pratique ensemble, dans les stages internationaux et autres, et surtout quand il venait régulièrement de Lyon à Montreux au début de notre apprentissage en Jôdô suivre l'enseignement de Pascal Sensei. Adieu l'ami - MD
Je suis totalement sous le choc d'une nouvelle aussi brutale. Alain, si solide derrière son Jo est parti rejoindre Momo .... décidemment cette année 2021 n'est pas une bonne année. Alain va laisser un grand vide dans le monde du Jo européen où il fut un des pionniers. Il se rappellera à nous chaque fois que nous ouvrirons le livre de PK et chaque fois que nous assisterons à un Ran Ai lors d'une démonstration. Derrière sa puissance physique se cachait une grande sensibilité et une grande générosité. Tu vas vraiment nous manquer Alain.... - GT
"Kansha" (gratitude) to Alain who has been a generous, competent and considerate teacher. He was the first one who came to Corsica to animate a Jôdô gasshuku in the Un-Sui Dôjô. And he came again and again. Alain was also for me an intimate friend till the end. Kansha, again and again. - Marc Vichet, Irohanihoheto Dôjô
The EJF joins his near relations in their sadness and is with them from the bottom of its heart.
Take care, the committee, Barbara, Nathalie, Raphaël, Jérôme, PK
Reflections of Shinto Muso Ryu Jodo
Due to the current training restrictions our teachers have not been able to offer seminars for almost a year.
These three essays written by some of the Menkyo Kaiden provide insights into and around SMR Jodo practice. Please read them carefully
and if you have any questions, the authors are available to be contacted through email.
- Reflections about Kata – Part I by Vicente Borondo Sensei
- Reflections about Kata – Part II by Vicente Borondo Sensei
- An equation: the Weapon and the Body by Gilles Tache Sensei
Maurice left us
It's with great sadness and deep sorrow that we announce to you the death of one of the most ancient Jôdô practitioner, Maurice Boisson.
Maurice joined the FEJ in 1988. Untiring practitioner, he was part of all our meetings. whether it rains, snows or with very hot weather,
he was always with us... He knew how to make us laugh with a good southern joke... He made us dream with his souvenirs of a marine carpenter.
We always knew where he was standing because everyone was laughing out loud around him. In the morning, he was always present first and was training very hard.
Through his love for boats, Maurice left us during a last maritime trip, but his smile, his good mood and his good heart will stay engraved in our memory.
Rest in peace, Momo
The EJF joins his near relations in their sadness and is with them from the bottom of its heart.
Take care, the committee, Barbara, Nathalie, Raphaël, Jérôme, PK
Welcome Denmark!
The FEJ welcomes the Akiyama Jodo group, the first dojo from Denmark. The group is under the supervision of Michael Söderkvist Sensei.
Sad news from Sydney
Last Sunday, the Australian senior practitioner Bruce Harris suddenly passed away. All the Europeans who have known this nice person feel very sad. Our friendly thoughts to his family and friends from the European group. PK
Teacher's Training 2020
Kagamibiraki 2020
"Water adapts itself to the shape of the vase". A very nice saying, but not so easy to practise! ...read on...
Mizu wa kame no sugata ni kawaru
Summer Camp 2019
The Summer Gasshuku took place in Lyon from July 27th to August 3rd
Now the report ist available.
Being "part of Jodo Europe", the small group of Montreal is now regularly visited by Daniel Cailleux, Oku Iri (Group Leader of Grenoble). Sunday, May 12, 2019, for the Mother's Day in Quebec, Daniel hosted a day of training on the theme initiated by Gilles Tache Sensei: Kihon kara Seichô (it's the basics that allow to progress)... (see records)
From the left: Georges, Patrick, Daniel, Yassine et Simon.
Teacher's Training 2019
Kagamibiraki 2019
A message by Pascal Krieger Sensei
Georges Kraus left us on 2 August 2018.
After a long illness endured with a great courage, Georges Kraus, in his 91st year, rejoined those of whom he spoke so often with a benevolent nostalgia...
The funeral ceremony took place on 7th of August, at a moment where lots of us were on vacation or participating to the Australian seminar. Happily, Sergio Dieci Sensei made himself available for a moving fairwell speech for this Jô practitioner whom all of us regret from the bottom of our heart.
Practicing Jô since the beginning of the 80s, Georges has been an example of regularity, of an indefectible friendship. When he ceased to train after an accident, he continued to keep a very regular contact with the Geneva group, coming to visit us at every Kagamibiraki with his wife Jeanine and his daughter Maud.
Great collector of Japanese martial arts litterature, he made a gift of all his books to the Geneva Shung Dô Kwan Budô library.
We'll miss you, Georges... The many practitioners of Jô from all Europe who knew him, and particularly the Geneva group, wish to convey to the Kraus family their sincere sympathy. - Pascal Krieger
European Summer 2018
With the IJF gasshuku far away, a couple of small summer camps where held in Europe.
IJF summer gasshuku in Brisbane/Australia
The Bow in to the 14th International Jodo Federation Gasshuku took place on Sunday 5th August beginning a
week of solid training under the guidance of Pascal Krieger Sensei and the supporting teaching staff.
read on...
Comments by PKS
Participants from: Australia, China, Finland, France, Italy, Japan, Malaysia, Russia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, USA
The Isle of Lérins seminar was a success. During that seminar, Gilles Tache received his Menkyo Kaiden for all his years of practice and personal investment for SMR in Southern France. It was an honour for me to present him this roll. Let us all give him our congratulations. PK
Teacher's Training 2018
Kagamibiraki 2018
After victory, tighten your helmet strap.
European EJF summer gasshuku in Pisa
Waiting for a more detailed description of that wonderful seminar from the organizing committee, I would
like to express my sincere gratitude to the Italian group. The family spirit, which is so important to me,
was at its top level. Accomodation and food were at an unusual high level, and the many side-events (Shuriken,
Marionettes, cross-bow, t-shirts, bags, amazing cakes, etc) were unexpected surprises. And all this did not
interfer with serious and hard/hot training. A life-long unforgettable souvenir. Mille grazie a tutti.
Pascal Krieger
As illustrated above... the theme of the gasshuku was "Having not experienced life-death combat, teach with humility".
Teacher's Training 2017
Kagamibiraki 2017
Summer Camp
July, 30th to August, 6th 2016 - El Collell / Barcelona, Spain
Georges Kraus (center, in red), one of the oldest Jô practitioners in Europe, nearly 90 years old, came to say hello
at our Friday training in Geneva. We wish him many more years and a good health. P. Krieger
Karunakaran Sensei has left us
A few EJF practitioners have known Karuna Sensei. They join me to express to Karuna Sensei’s family and close friends our most sincere sympathy.
Summer Camp
July, 30th to August, 6th 2016
El Collell near Barcelona, Espange
Detailed info
fb event (news / answers)
Kagamibiraki 2016
The Kagamibiraki has taken place in Cartigny.
Best Wishes
While strolling in Indian streets, going around cows, pigs, goats, dogs and apes, not mentioning the crazy traffic in which each step puts you in danger, I'm experimenting the best Zanshin lesson ever.
According to various news, I am happy to know that all is going well in the various dojo (Jo, Iai, Judo and Shodo) I am very proud of your work. I regularly practice Tandoku in order to keep in shape. I have a lot to discover in this marvelous country. Lots to learn about myself regarding my reactions and feelings.
I have heard some of the bad news concerning the events in Paris. I hope nobody of the FEJ have been directly concerned, as well as their families. I also hope that anger, hate, frustration and revenge won't be the answers to these dramatic events. Ichi Go Ichi E, here and now, let us do something nice, gentle, friendly in our direct environment. It is the only good answer to these horrible events.
Please accept my best wishes for a better year 2016. I am really looking forward to see you all again at the end of next spring. PK
drawing from PK, colored by Yanoe
13th IJF Gasshuku finished
Tsunemori Kaminoda Sensei passed away
A little more than a month ago, Tsunemori Kaminoda Sensei passed away. The funerals took place on April 19 at the Buddhist Temple of Baisouin, in Tokyo. I sent a calligraphied letter and a contribution from the EJF to Mr. T. Watanabe, one of Sensei's family friend, who just contacted me to tell me he read the letter in front of everybody and handed the family the EJF contribution, adding this was very much appreciated.
For the people who don't know Kaminoda Sensei, he was a chief policeman I met on my first day of Jodo in march 1969 at the Yotsuya Daiyonkidotai. I was led there by Donn Draeger Sensei and met Shimizu Sensei at the same occasion. Since that day, and for 6 years, Kaminoda Sensei was, together with Shimizu Sensei, my closest teacher. He handed me a Katana for my first Iai lesson too. Kaminoda Sensei was part of the group of teachers who came to Europe (Netherland, Sweden, France and Switzerland) in 1980, with Donn Draeger Sensei and Risuke Otake Sensei to promote Katori Shinto Ryu and Shinto Muso Ryu in Europe. Tiki Shewan Sensei was also part of the group. This tour was very important for European classical Budo development.
When I visited Japan in 1985 with ISO, the company for which I was working at the time, I contacted Kaminoda Sensei to ask him if he could teach me Isshin Ryu Kusarigamajutsu since I did not have time to study it during my time in Japan in the early seventies. He kindly accepted and gave me several hours a day for a whole week, refusing any contribution. He was also an excellent calligrapher and gave me lots of advices about this art.
So I feel very sad about his passing away. Kaminoda Sensei was one of the Japanese teachers at the origin of the development of the EJF, let us not forget that. He will stay in my heart for ever. I just wanted to share this with all of you.
Kaminoda Tsunemori Sensei
Together with Kaminoda Sensei, in 2009, on Shimizu Sensei's grave (Ohakamaeri) near Shibuya in Tokyo
P. Krieger, April 30 2015
Kagamibiraki 2015
The Kagamibiraki has taken place in Cartigny.
Nishioka Sensei passed away on 8 February 2014
Pascal Krieger wrote a personal letter to Sensei's daughter and the FEJ sent, through Vicente Borondo and Watabe Sensei a substantial contribution for the funeral.

He has been the light of the EJF which he has enlighted for more than two decades. It is our duty, now, to keep this light showing us the way to understand and practise Jô. Nishioka Tsuneo Sensei left this world on the first day of his 91st year. His funeral took place in the intimity of his family. read on
Fédération Européenne de Jodo / European Jodo Federation