Michael Söderkvist

Shintô Musô Ryû Menkyo Kaiden, IJF Kuden

Michael Gunnar Söderkvist

Michael Gunnar Söderkvist

Born on : 10 of May 1955
Origine : Östersund, Sweden
Profession : Teacher in Physical Education


Michael Söderkvist
Skolgången 12
831 61 ÖSTERSUND. Sweden
Tel: + 46-63-10 23 91
Mobile: + 46-708-60 07 87

Next seminar


Budo Curriculum

Practising Kyokushin Karate, SMR Jôdô, Iaidô and Tai-Chi Chuan at Östersunds Budokai in the City of Östersund, Sweden.

Kyokushin Karate

Started in 1971 at the age of 16. The training continued with Marshall McDonagh Sensei 4th Dan, Brian Fitkin Shihan 7th Dan, and Howard Collins Shihan 7th Dan.

A full year training at Kyokushinkai Honbu Dojo in Tokyo, Japan 1979-80, was a most important step for further development in the art and Budo. With instructors as Oyama Masutatsu Sosai and many more, it was a lifetime experience. Michael has returned several times to Japan for training, summer/winter camps, competitions and seminars. He also holds SKK, EKO and WKO referee licenses.

SMR Jodo

An early morning in 1979 at Budokan in Tokyo, Japan, Michael saw Jodo for the first time and it looked very interesting.

The summer of 1981 Michael and his teacher in Karate and mentor Marshall McDonagh Sensei did a journey to Asia. The trip took them first to Japan and an exclusive meeting with late Donn Draeger Sensei and Katori Shinto Ryu Shihan Otake Risuke. After weapon training in Ryukyu Kobudo on Okinawa they went further to Malaysia with Draeger Sensei. Michael Söderkvist and McDonagh Sensei were then introduced to the Malaysian Jodo-group lead by Chindan Karunakaran (Shomokuroku) at the centralised training in Ipoh. Under supervision of Draeger Sensei, both travellers started Jodo.

Thanks to the effort of Draeger Sensei and Karunakaran, Sweden got the possibility to have Christopher Samugal 2 Dan SMR as guest instructor in 1982. This was also the year Michael and Fred Quant (Menkyo Kaiden), Holland met during centralised training in Sweden.

After meeting with Pascal Krieger Sensei (Menkyo Kaiden) in 1988 at the IJF International Jamboree in Le Brassus, Switzerland, it was possible for his progression to go further. That meeting with Pascal Sensei was an important moment for inspiration, motivation and deeper knowledge. Michael has met other teachers through participation in EJF Camps and Kagamibiraki trainings as well as IJF Gasshuku. Important teachers besides Pascal Sensei have been all his Shoden/Chuden-instructors together with IJF teachers like Phil Relnick Sensei (Menkyo Kaiden ) and Quintin Chambers Sensei (Menkyo Kaiden).

Meeting Nishioka Tsuneo Sensei (Menkyo Kaiden) at the IJF International Jamboree 1994 was of great importance for the future studing. Michael has had the opportunity to see Sensei at many occasions in Europa and Japan since then. Those moments of training have been given with such hospitality and encouragement. That includes Jodo training in Japan 1995, 1997, 1999, 2003 and in 2005, 2007, 2009 and in 2011.

Iaido and other Martial Art experiences

Michael Söderkvist was introduced to some Iaido in Japan 1979 but it was 1990 in Stockholm his regular practice was established. Muso Shinden Ryu is practised but most of the training is ZNKR Seitei Kata.
