Fred Quant's gasshuku in Hungary

17-19th February, 2006

The gasshuku with Fred was a good and tiring work. Altogether 34 people took part, some came from abroad from Checz Rep. - Patrik, Michael, Eva, Frantisek -, Holland - Jeffrey, Shanti -, and Radu from Romania.

Regarding the Hungarian part the members of Shoshinkan, Ecole de Budo Raji Ten Jin Chi, Ecole de Budo Raji Shuri Kosei dojos participated. Friday we got the series of Kihon tandoku and sotai to sweat as a warm up without any explanation. Fred gave the rythm, we had to follow.

Saturday we received detailed explanations for each exercise during the regular kihon practice. We practised in three different groups parallel to each other. Fred formed one group for Kihon, one for people just in Omote, and a third one for people who finished Omote.

In the afternoon we trained 6 difficult katas from Omote (Tsubawari, Ukan, Kasa no shita, Ichi rei, Neya no uchi and Hoso michi)with those ones who were already introduced in Omote. The members of 'advanced' group took the uchidachi role. Then we made preparatory exercises for Chudan. The rest of the group practised kihon sotai, and later on some simple katas from the Omote series.

Training was followed by a banquet in the evening hours. On Sunday the practice went on three different groups, also. One for Kihon, one for Omote, and the third one for Chudan.

Thanks to Fred we have got the possibility to ask questions for each problematic points, and we got good explanations during the gasshuku. The gasshuku finished up with a small Embu, when each group gave short demonstration. Finally we said thank you to Fred for his job, and for all people for the participation.

As Fred told everyone has trained hard, of course there have been mistakes, but the attitude of the practitioners were good, no one took it easy.


Hungary 2006
Hungary 2006
Hungary 2006
Hungary 2006
Hungary 2006
