1st FEJ Jodo Seminar in Helsinki

18th to 20th of November 2011

The first Jodo Seminar in Helsinki was held by Michael Söderkvist at the end of November 2011. Since almost all of our students (except one) could attend the camp, the "huge crowd" of four people was waiting in much anticipation when the Friday evening finally came. Our first seminar!

Waiting for the car ride from the airport to arrive at the dojo was one of sweaty palms and somewhat nervous laughter. But as Michael arrived with Zach and Nino from our group, nervousness quickly disappeared and turned into the routine of changing clothes at the locker room and moving into the dojo.

The Friday evenings training went by quickly while we did Kihon. Much emphasis was put on proper grips of honte and gyakute. As Saturday of the seminar was an “open day” for anyone who wanted to attend, we quickly went over what was the program for that day, and then headed home for a couple of hours of sleep before Saturdays training.

Against all odds, a group of close to 20 people in total arrived on Saturday. There were people who had trained Seitei Jodo, and people with background in different Koryu or modern styles of martial arts, and even one without any martial arts training at all. The day began with Michael speaking about Shinto Muso Ryu in general, and then we moved to basic exercises and Kihon. Later, we who had some prior training in Jodo, moved to doing Omote as Michael taught the newcomers the basics of the Jo. Main time of Saturday was spent on doing Omote for us, and basic exercises for the newcomers.

The training was only interrupted by lunch, and then we continued on with Omote. Saturday ended with an Embu with Michael and Nino showing us various techniques from the Shinto Muso Ryu arsenal, including Kusari Gama which was AWESOME. From what we heard in the locker rooms, the visitors were happy that they had come, one person even came just to see the Embu!

Sunday’s training was more Omote for us, while Michael did some Chudan with Nino. After some training we were told that we could take our (Minna, Zach and Jaakko ) test for the 5th Kyu if we wanted to, and we were happy to do so. For us at least, the seminar was a success. We had a great time with a great atmosphere in training, both with just our group, and with the visitors. Thanks to Michael, and hope to see other people from FEJ soon, here or abroad!

Jaakko Mäkelä



