16th Gasshuku in Würzburg

22nd and 23rd June 2013

This report will be shorter than usual, as the author of these lines was sick for most part of the weekend. That's why I let the images speak this time. However, a few words about this Gasshuku. First of all, I would like to thank the two Michel called the "inseparable", who come to Würzburg from the very beginning to lead this Gasshuku. And many thanks to the organizer Franz Schreiner and his team, who always prepare the breakfast on Saturday and Sunday

Also note that the exams were successful for
Alex Gachstetter - 4th Kyu
Oliver Rubes - 2nd Kyu
René Etter - 1st Kyu

As promised, here is a series of images that reflect the activities of the participants. I hope to see you again next year.

Matthias Wenderoth, Oku-iri
