Jean-Claude Hamel
Shintô Musô Ryû Menkyo Kaiden, IJF Kuden

Jean-Claude Hamel
Born on: 23 august 1952
Origine: Paris, France
Profession: Retired
Jean-Claude Hamel
359 Chemin de Crémat
06200 Nice, France
Tel. +33 6 09 81 52 62
Next seminar
Important meetings and moments
- 1978: Initiation to Philosophy and to Theravada Buddhism during a year-long journey through Asia. Month-long stay in a Buddhist monastery (Kanduboda) in Sri Lanka. Meeting with K Seevali Thera-Vipassana meditation monk instructor.
- 1986: Beginnings in Aïkido, Iaïdo and Jodo in Nice, Meeting with my first Budo teachers, Dominique Boetti and Daniel Leclerc.
- 1987: Meeting with Pascal Krieger Sensei, the Budoka... then the man...
Meeting with Malcom Tiki Shewan Sensei and René VDB Sensei at Lerins Islands. - 1991: Meeting with Quintin Chambers Sensei in Penang, Malaysia. 1st dan SMR Jô.
- 1994: Meeting with Tsuneo Nishioka Sensei in Hawaii.
- 1999: 3rd dan SMR Jô in Lillsved Sweden.
1er dan Aïkido - FFAB. - 2002: Oku-Iri SMR Jô certificate given by Pascal Krieger Sensei, in Sevenum Holland.
- 2007: IJF Shoden.
- 2011: Sho-mokuroku SMR Jô certificate given by Pascal Krieger Sensei, at Kagamibiraki in Cartigny, Switzerland.
- 2016: Go-mokuroku SMR Jô certificate given by from Pascal Krieger Sensei, at El Collell, Spain.
IJF Chûden. - 2018: Beginnings in Tai Chi Chuan, Sun style and Wu Hao style, under Nicole Villiard and Jean-Jacques Sagot.
- 2019: Creation of the Gi-Yô-Shin Dôjô in Nice, with the participation of the senior Jôdôka. The Dôjô aims to study and practice martial disciplines, and currently focuses on the practice of Jô of the japanese classical martial tradition Shintô Musô Ryû Jô.
- 2022: Menkyo Kaiden SMR Jô certificate given by from Pascal Krieger Sensei, at Cartigny, Switzerland.
IJF Chûden.
- Loves to travel
- Practises naps seriously
- Sei-to-dô (French version) / Sei-to-dô (English version)
- Rien de trop (French version) / Nothing extra (English version)
F�d�ration Europ�enne de Jodo / European Jodo Federation