Jean-Louis Martin
Shintô Musô Ryû Shomokuroku, FEJ Shoden

- Born on: August 28th, 1962
- Origin: Dijon, France
- Profession: Cook
Budô Curriculum
- 1984 :
Discovery of Aïkido at the Lausanne Budokan with Didier and Christine Venard.
1st encounter with Ikeda Sensei.
1st encounter with Tamura Sensei during a seminar in Novara (Italy),
Practiced Aïkido for 6 year. - 1993 :
Arrival at the Geneva Shung Do Kwan.
Starts Iaïdô then Jodô with Pascal Krieger Sensei. - 1995 :
Encounter with Nishioka Sensei.
Obtains FEI 1st dan during the Geneva seminar.
Attends several seminars such as les Îles de Lérins (France) or other european seminars of the Jodô federation. - 1997 :
2nd dan Iaïdô FEI at the Geneva seminar. - 1999 :
Obtains the 1st dan in Jodô, at Lillsved (Sweden) - 2001 :
3rd dan Iaïdô FEI at les Îles de Lérins. - 2003 :
2nd dan Jodô FEJ. - 2007 :
4th dan Iaïdô FEI in Geneva.
3rd dan Jodô in Kacov (Czech Republic) and receives Okuiri. - 2009 :
Meets Yahagi Sensei in Geneva. Starts practicing Ryushin Shochi Ryu Iaïjutsu. - 2017 :
Receives the Shomokuroku at the Tirrenia (Italy) seminar. - 2021 :
Opens a Jodô course, at the request of Pascal Krieger Sensei, at the Dôjo de l’Etang in Vernier (Switzerland).
Fédération Européenne de Jodo / European Jodo Federation